Grass Fed Whey Isolate - Interesting Answers
To be honest, Quest seems more interested in everything you can make with the protein powder except protein shakes. If you visit their website, it’s full of recipes you can make with the protein powders and the bars, and even the tub of protein powder you buy comes with a recipe booklet attached for foods like protein brownies, cake, and even savory chicken mole. The most interesting thing about Quest is that they’ve purposely designed a low-carb, low-fat protein powder that you can bake with. I think that’s why they included so much casein, because it helps to thicken a batter. If what you want is a protein powder you can experiment with in the kitchen, this is a good pick. If you’re just looking for a base for protein shakes and you like the bars, there are tastier and cheaper options you can buy. It costs $40 for 2 pounds, which is the largest size available. That provides 29 servings for $1.38 each, or 6 cents per gram of protein. That’s somewhat pricy — most whey powders, even is...